A walking alley (“Kunigaikščiai alėja” (Dukes’ alley)) was built from the stairs on the western shore of Lake Galvė, which continued all the way to the beginning of the central alley, at the ferryman’s house. It is assumed that the alley once included a number of sculptural elements.
Around 1910, the Tiškevičiai family brought back a sculpture of the Mother of God with a baby from a trip to Italy for the park at Užutrakis. The sculpture was placed in the park on a high pedestal, facing the direction where the waters of Galvė and Skaistis lakes meet. This location was the closest way from the Užutrakis peninsula to the mainland by ferry, which was maintained by the ferryman Piotras Sobolevskis who was loved by children and adults because he was faithful, always kind, honest and punctual like clockwork.

The Mother of God greeted everyone coming and going, comforted the servants and Countess Tiškevičienė in the hours of sadness. This sculpture remained at Užutrakis Park until around 1964. Later, the sculpture was removed from the pedestal and transferred to the bars of the park, and at some point, it was thrown into Lake Galvė. Around 1975, the damaged sculpture of the Mother of God with the baby was found in the cemetery of the village of Varnikai by the architect S. Mikulionis and brought to the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Trakai. When the sculpture entered the church, the Mother of God was missing her right hand, the cloak covering her head, and the baby. Monsignor V. Rūkas took care that the sculpture of the Užutrakis Madonna in the Riomeriai chapel of the Trakai Church was preserved until now.
In 2007, sculptors Nerijus and Rūta Kavaliauskai created a replica of the sculpture from cast marble, working from old photographs and a fragment of the original. Ancient rose bushes were planted next to the sculpture.